• Mon to Fri: 9:00am to 6:00pm

  • 10850 Sam Black Road, Suite B, Midland, NC 28107

Is your diet ruining your marriage?

Is your diet ruining your marriage?

Rick was biting his fingernails while waiting in the block-long Starbucks cue. It wasn’t until he was finally seated and...
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Bed Love and Beyond: How to Curb Your Anger in Love & Life

From Anger to Rage, the Effects are Felt Across Your Relationships & Heath. Keep reading to discover how to curb...
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Relationship Rescue

Relationship Rescue

Are chronic arguments destroying your relationship? Is your health suffering from all the stress and conflict? Is your partner uncooperative?...
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Bearded Black Cowboy: Restore Your Love & Family

Bearded Black Cowboy: Restore Your Love & Family

Philip DeLuca. (LCSW). You have heard of Dr. Phil. Well, Deluca is known as Dr. Un. That is because he...
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Stretch yourself: self-growth through your relationship

Stretch yourself: self-growth through your relationship

In this podcast with Ron Broussard of STRETCHYOURSELF, Phil DeLuca explains current science relating to the body and mind and exposes the...
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Stop Your Fighting Tonight! đź“˝ Video Course

FREE webinar from expert marriage therapist, Phil DeLuca, MSW, LCSW This 6-video series presents evidence-based techniques you can use TODAY to...
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Debunking traditional approaches with the heartrepreneur

Debunking traditional approaches with the heartrepreneur

When conventional advice is ruining your relationship, this new technique is your path to personal peace. Try Phil’s method if the following...
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What does it take to have a long-lasting relationship?

What does it take to have a long-lasting relationship?

Our relationships affect our physical health. Be brave enough to treat yourself and your partner well. Phil DeLuca was interviewed by Daa’iyah...
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Communication Clichés

Communication Clichés

Does “Talk through your problems” sound familiar? How about “Never go to bed mad at each other or you are...
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How to Break the Pursuer-Distancer Pattern

How to Break the Pursuer-Distancer Pattern

Are you feeling distanced from your partner?  Your relationship can get better. Contact Phil DeLuca today. Is your partner pulling away? The...
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Wake Up! Communication is Essential

Wake Up! Communication is Essential

Phil DeLuca was hosted by Rebecca Sounds Reveille on Wake Up! Communication is Essential. Watch this video to hear Phil and...
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What’s the problem with pornography?

What’s the problem with pornography?

One of the issues pushing people apart that was not a problem, or significantly less so in years past, is...
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Is Depression Destroying Your Relationship?

Is Depression Destroying Your Relationship?

Unfortunately, depression and conflict often go hand in hand. Depression — a treatable disorder — can have devastating effects on a marriage or relationship....
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How to make (and accept) an apology

How to make (and accept) an apology

Apologies can be a very powerful healing tool. However, in my experience, few people apologize and even fewer do it...
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Is your couch killing your sex life?

Is your couch killing your sex life?

Carrie had devolved into a couch potato. If her eyes stayed open long enough she’d catch TV ads for sex-enhancing...
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